  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 15 years, 4 months ago









Speaking and listening are two basic skills that every language learner has to acquire through ongoing practice. The Web offers an array of free voice tools that allow for creative and beneficial activities in and out of the classroom. Often the difficulty teachers face is choosing which one to use. I believe it depends on the ease of use for the students and what you want to achieve with it.


Here are a few examples of tools I've used with young learners (basically Audacity) and trainees (the remaining tools).


Voice mail and recording offline

Audacity (also download Lame MP3 Encoder)

(click here for an example recorded in class with young learners)

(click here for an example recorded live during my APPI session - Apr 30 - and uploaded to My Posterous page)


It's also possible to record offline on the spur of the moment with a PDA (pocket computer) or with an .mp3 recorder. Then all you need is to transfer the audio file to your computer, upload it to the Web and link it in a blog, wiki... whatever.



Recording online (most need free registration)

My Voicemail (not free) (click here for an example sent by a 6th grade student from home)

Vaestro (click here for an example)

Voicethread (click here for an example)

Voxopop (click here for an example)



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